Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Deeply Writing a Commentary

Schooling and education is something that U.S. as well as the rest of the world stresses. In other words, they are trying to better educate the future. However when it comes to Texas and education, the two don't seem to mix well. Education in Texas is far behind the rest of the nation and it doesn't help that the legislation is doing very little about it. For many years Texas was always being boasted as being one of the best in education when Bush was in the presidential office. However looking back on the statistics, Texas as far from being the "perfect state" when it comes to education for many reasons. One main reason is the lack in funds to the Texas' education system. Texas is so focused on not raising taxes that it has created a deficit in the Texas budget and it makes the government hard to make ends meet. So in order to make ends meet they take money away from other area like education that is already suffering from antiquate funds. This inadequate funds is greatly affecting the education of the future of Texas for Texas was ranked 45th out of all 50 states when it came to SAT scores. On top of that Texas is the lowest of all the states to not have many people have high school diplomas over the age of 25. All these statistics point to the issue of Texas having a poorly funded education system as well as education itself. No matter what way the table is turn Texas is not doing a very good job of making education a top priority and its suffering because of it.

 Work Cited:
 Legislative Study Group. "Texas on the Brink." The Legislative Study Group. 2008. Web. 29 Nov. 2011.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Commenting Deeply on a Colleague's Work

In Tori's commentary "Texas Sonogram Law Road to Unnecessary," she speaks about the new sonogram law that makes women submit a sonogram before having an abortion and how this wrong to force women to do as such. I agree fully what she is saying about it being hard for these women to get rid of their babies. Why must they hear a heartbeat as well if these women actually have some moral thought about losing the baby? When it comes to abortion I find that its an up in the air topic for me, I find that abortion is a good and bad thing. Thus so is this law. Many of the times the women that are having an abortion have a reason to do as such, but sometimes women have abortions for the wrong reasons like they don't want responsibility or they have their own life to live. I find that in some ways this law can help those that use abortion as a get of jail free card when it shouldn't be used in the way. I find that if the bill was modified for those that don't have the heart and consideration about having an abortion means should be required to give a sonogram and for those that are doing it for the right reason shouldn't have to.