Friday, November 11, 2011

Commenting Deeply on a Colleague's Work

In Tori's commentary "Texas Sonogram Law Road to Unnecessary," she speaks about the new sonogram law that makes women submit a sonogram before having an abortion and how this wrong to force women to do as such. I agree fully what she is saying about it being hard for these women to get rid of their babies. Why must they hear a heartbeat as well if these women actually have some moral thought about losing the baby? When it comes to abortion I find that its an up in the air topic for me, I find that abortion is a good and bad thing. Thus so is this law. Many of the times the women that are having an abortion have a reason to do as such, but sometimes women have abortions for the wrong reasons like they don't want responsibility or they have their own life to live. I find that in some ways this law can help those that use abortion as a get of jail free card when it shouldn't be used in the way. I find that if the bill was modified for those that don't have the heart and consideration about having an abortion means should be required to give a sonogram and for those that are doing it for the right reason shouldn't have to.

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