Friday, October 14, 2011

Deep Thoughtful Critique of a Texas Blog

Stumbling about trying to find an interesting topic to discuss, I found this topic on Rick Perry and stimulus money.
Ben Sherman commented on what Rick Perry wrote in Fed Up, in Rick Perry on the Issues: Stimulus Money. Ben Sherman is a constant blogger with Burnt Orange Report. His main audience is for people looking for the truth behind Rick Perry's words. Ben Sherman argues that Rick Perry's statement, "We are fed up with bailout after bailout and stimulus plan after stimulus plan, each one of which tosses principle out the window along with taxpayers money," is a lie considering that Texas excepted a $17.4 billion dollar federal stimulus grant to help Texas out. Sherman continues to say that if Perry was so set on and cared so much about his principle when it came to the stimulus grant Texas received back in 2009. Sherman backs up this argument with the evidence of how hypocritical and a cover up-er Perry really is because of much the federal stimulus money helped out Texas and how dependent Texas was on the money. Some of the money was used to help plug holes in the imperfect budget that totaled up to 3.3 billion dollars. Also 17. billion dollars was used to make "shovel ready" job projects. Even though all these uses for the money helped Texas, Perry is misleading America about the dependence on stimulus money even its clear to see Texas was the state most dependent on it. Sherman's logic is that Rick Perry is very untrustworthy and continues to cover up the mistakes he makes instead of confronting them or telling the truth about the situations. Sherman creates the Rick Perry's Stimulus Hypocrisy by establishing the points in how Perry does and view things. With these steps it proves that Perry isn't being very honest with the American people and has his own agenda to become president then to serve the American people.
I agree with what Ben Sherman is saying about what Perry was saying Fed Up was hypocritical of him and lying to America about how stimulus money doesn't matter yet back in 2009 Texas received $17. 2 billion federal stimulus grant. 

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